Features: - drag & drop to save links, photos, citations, prices and more - take page screenshots - collaborate with your friends in real-time - share your research with a link - export to Word document Brainer is good for: - planning trips - comparing products - scientific research (for work or school) - collecting and organizing hobby materials Brainer is FREE for everyone. Changelog: 2.2 - less permissions required, Brainer is much more safer now! - critical update correcting the problem of infinite loading - you dont need to have cookies enabled to use the application 2.1 - added programming language code recognition - restored screenshot drag&drop feature while using Brainer in window mode - fixed rare items ordering bug - minor bugfixes 2.0 - the extension name was changed to Brainer - added parsing of email addresses, telephone numbers, locations - improved screen capture feature - improvments in link parsing - slight graphics changes - performance improvements - minor bugfixes
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Brainer Research & Bookmark Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Brainer Research & Bookmark Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Bookmark, tag or add notes to pages, highlight and save quotes or images, save selected Google searches, filter out search results.
Provides text analytics to the webpage using artificial intelligence to quickly find what you are looking for and save time
Content Insights for Articles - Unlock your writing with the power of AI
Extract sentiment and emotion easily from text as you browse the web.
Web Research Made Recallable
A brilliant way to store, share and easily organize all your links, videos, and notes.