Imagine how productive you would be if you could merge your network with the Internet. No more going back and forth between tabs to search other places like LinkedIn or your CRM to see if someone in your network already knows anyone at the company you are looking at! ? Google Search: As you search Google, Bridge shows you how many connections you know at the website before you even click on the search result. ? Websites: When you visit any website, our Chrome Extension will show you how many people from that organization are in your circles ? ? LinkedIn: Whenever you visit someones LinkedIn profile, you can easily see who can offer an intro and get introduced. We hope this helps make research, sales, business development, fundraising, and plain old serendipity, a lot easier and more intelligent for you? In future versions well focus on extending the functionality to integrate with Gmail and other applications, so stay tuned! About Bridge: Bridge lets you collaborate with your network. Bridge builds relationships. Relationships that create business value and drive innovation. Sign-up & learn more:
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Bridge Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Bridge Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
folkX lets you add contacts to your folk from anywhere on the web, including LinkedIn, Sales Navigator, Gmail threads and more.
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Get Crunchbase’s company and contact data right where you need it.
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Clip web content to your Airtable bases.
This extension will allow you to easily retrieve your session cookies each time you use PhantomBuster.
Bring your Attio Workspace into Chrome.