A collection of useful browser utilities - includes QR code generator, URL shortener and access to a webpages history in Wayback Machine™. How to generate a QR code 1. With the page you want to generate a QR code for open in the current tab, click the Browser Utilities icon in the Chrome toolbar 2. Click 'Generate QR code' 3. You can download the generated QR code or enter another link to generate a different QR code. How to generate a URL short link 1. With the page you want to generate a short link for open in the current tab, click the Browser Utilities icon in the Chrome toolbar 2. Click 'Generate short link' 3. You can copy the generated link to the clipboard or enter another link to generate a different short link. How to access a webpages history in the Internet Archive™ 1. With the page whose history you want to access open in the current tab, click the Browser Utilities icon in the Chrome toolbar 2. Click 'Internet Archive™ history' 3. The extension will check the Internet Archive and inform you if the page is available. If the page is available, click 'Open in Wayback Machine' to access its history. 4. You can also enter another link to access in the Internet Archive™. UPDATE NOTE: This extension no longer has the YouTube™ video looping feature. Youtube™ is a registered trademark of Google, Inc. Wayback Machine™ is a registered trademark of Internet Archive.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Browser Utilities Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Browser Utilities Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Search the Wayback Machine and your favorite search engine for missing web pages.
Automatically redirect every page to its archived version in Wayback Machine, except the sites in Excludes List
Integrating the Live and Archived Web Viewing Experience Using Memento
Enhance archive.org with inline metadata editing and a black and white UI.
With one click, restores broken images by using the most recent version archived on the Wayback Machine if there is any.
web.archive.org unofficial WaybackMachine extension
Obliterates the last fifteen minutes of your browsing history
Automatically Archive Pages.