Button for Google Calendar Chrome Extension

Button for Google Calendar chrome extension

Button for Google Calendar for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    100K +
  • Reviewed by :
    120 Chrome Users
  • Author Name:
  • ['support@browsecraft.com', 'BrowseCraft']
Button for Google Calendar chrome extension is Check Google Calendar schedule and join meetings with one click. It fully integrates with Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, etc..
 Get a button on your Google Chrome toolbar to quickly see upcoming events from your Google Calendar without leaving the current tab. Dont be late for meetings anymore!

• Constantly reminds you of an upcoming event from your Calendar.
• Sends push notifications following the meeting settings. 
• Provides quick access to conference links from your events. Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Skype are supported.
• Allows you to create new events quickly.
• Displays meetings from selected calendars only.

• Authorization in the extension works correctly only in Google Chrome.
• Our Button supports authorization in only one Google Calendar account. Suppose you want to use it to receive notifications about events from two calendars at once. In this case, you need to select the primary account and give it access to the calendar of the second account.
• The time format is automatically synchronized with your Calendar when you install the extension.
• If you are using a corporate Google Workspace account and have problems with authorization, please contact your domain administrator. He should add our 'Button' to the list of trusted extensions.
• If you have any problems or find a bug - write to us at calendarbuttonpro@gmail.com. We will definitely help!

This extension is a replica of the legendary Google Calendar extension by Manas Tungare. This extension has existed for over a decade and has been used by 5,000,000 users. Unfortunately, in 2021, Manas decided to remove the extension. He reported this in an open letter in the repository of his project - https://github.com/manastungare/google-calendar-crx. This was terrible news since there was simply no other equally simple and free extension!

Therefore, our team decided to copy Manass extension and take over its support and development. Manas approved our initiative. Now the project is safe, and everyone can continue to access their events from Calendar in one click for free!

1. Updated the design of the event element.
2. Added the ability to select active calendars in the settings.
3. We have reduced the time for automatic updating of data from the calendar to 15 minutes.
4. Added the ability to enable or disable notifications in the settings.
5. Added setting for displaying the time to the nearest event.
6. Added quick links to connect to meetings from your calendar.
7. Updated all localizations.
8. Fixed the work of all links leading to the calendar pages.
9. Fixed authorization for users with corporate accounts.
10. Added an update button to request up-to-date data from your calendar manually.

Supported with ❤️ by the BrowseCraft gang. Stand with Ukraine ??.

When using Button for Google Calendar, you may encounter advertisements for other extensions. These situational ads allow us to develop the product and make it free for you - our users.

Please note Button for Google Calendar is not made by Google™ or affiliated with Alphabet Inc.
Displays events from your selected calendars. calendars Birthdays Holidays quick overview your Google Calendar with one-click access. Button Quick Allows creating new events quickly. Provides quick access conferences. conference Notifies about upcoming events. Button notification

How to install Button for Google Calendar chrome extension in chrome Browser

You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Button for Google Calendar Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.

  • Step 1: Go to the Chrome webstore https://chrome.google.com/webstore or download the extension Button for Google Calendar Chrome Extension Download from https://pluginsaddonsextensions.com
  • Step 2: Now search for the Button for Google Calendar in Chrome Webstore Search and click on the search button.
  • Step 3: click on the Button for Google Calendar Chrome Extension Link
  • Step 4: in the next page click on the Add to Chrome button to Download and Install the Button for Google Calendar extension for your Chrome Web browser .

Button for Google Calendar Chrome extension Download

Looking for a method to Button for Google Calendar Download for Chrome then this download link is for you.

It is the Button for Google Calendar Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.

Download Button for Google Calendar chrome extension (CRX)

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