Adds a 'Restore' button to your browser. Clicking this button will restore the latest closed tab.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Button: Restore Recent Tabs Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Button: Restore Recent Tabs Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
New Chrome extensions manager
This extension create a new tab automatically if last two tabs are not a new tab when a tab closed.
Override the new tab page with an elegant new tab. View live weather data in an awesome live new tab!
Open the Bookmark Manager with just one click.
Open the Apps Page with just one click.
Saves and closes with a password of your open tabs. It prevents the creation of a new tab.
Restore a closed tab using a context menu option.
Provides quick icon access to your Chrome extensions.
Tab Restore helps to restore recently closed tabs and window sessions.
Manage - and group - your installed extensions