1. Hide 'Explore' tab from the left column 2. Hide trends and who to follow from the right column 3. Hide numbers of replies, retweets, likes and bookmarks. . They appear when you hover the mouse cursor on the tweet 4. Hide view counts 5. Show 'Calm' next to the Twitter logo Additional features (off by default, can be turned on from settings) 6. Hide the number of following 7. Hide the number of followers 8. Hide numbers of replies, retweets, and likes in detail pages 9. Hide numbers of replies, retweets, and likes, even if you hover the mouse cursor on the tweet 10. Hide Who to follow 11. Hide Topics to follow 12. Change Japanese font from Meiryo to Hiragino on Mac This extension requires a permission to save the settings and only toggles hide or show. The source code is available on Github https://github.com/yusukesaitoh/calm-twitter
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Calm Twitter Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Calm Twitter Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Hide harmful sites from Google search results.
Twitter Stress Reduction
Hide what's not important on Twitter.com
Refine and declutter the ?/Twitter web experience.
Gives you more control over Twitter and adds missing features and UI improvements
Remove distractions from the new Twitter layout
MultiRow TweetDeck extends your TweetDeck layout with customizable rows.
Forces your browser to use old twitter.