Canvas+ adds a bunch of small features to Instructures Canvas that help students use Canvas better and quicker. Features include: - Tabs to navigate between courses - Grades on the dashboard - Assignments due in a week on the dashboard - Custom links for commonly used links in a course - and more! The project is open source and is open to contributions at This extension is currently under heavy development and is in early stages, expect issues to arise! If you have problems or ideas for the extension, send me a DM on Instagram @samuelili! Newest Updates (0.3.9): - Added a settings reset button in case of errors (please view this in the options page) - Added a new feature for attached documents! Pop it out to a new tab or expand it to fill the whole screen! Developed by Samuel Li
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Canvas+ Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Canvas+ Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Feature packed extension for Canvas.
A better to-do list sidebar for Canvas.
CanvasPlus: Power up your learning with color themes, navigation shortcuts, and improved performance.
This extension lets you view your canvas grade average per class, even when total grades are disabled.
A suite of tools that enhance the Canvas LMS. Each tool is simple and designed with students and teaching teams in mind.