Internet is filled with rich and abundant data. Information travels fast and we dont have the time to check that everything we see and hear is correct. CaptainFact is all about people debating and helping each other to verify that data by sourcing it, voting and chatting about facts. This extension is open source and published under GPL3 license on Github:
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the CaptainFact Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the CaptainFact Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Open Tournesol directly from YouTube
Cherchez un livre sur Amazon et trouvez-le dans une vraie librairie
Show Media Bias / Fact Check ratings for Facebook, Twitter and news websites as you browse
Calcul automatique du rendement brut sur les annonces des grands sites immobiliers.
Lilo est le moteur de recherche français & solidaire qui vous permet de financer gratuitement des projets solidaires.
Amis, media, experts vous informent directement sur les pages web visitées.
MerciApp est un correcteur orthographique pour Chrome à la puissance inégalée.
Historique des annonces immobilieres
Applies decals to Facebook, Twitter, Google, Reddit, and DuckDuckGo showing bias and acc data from