Current Captivated users – The Captivated Chrome Extension enables you to quickly start or review a text conversation directly from your browser-based CRM or email application. Review a real SMS conversation with a contact listed in your CRM without having to leave the page. Our extension works in tandem with the Captivated web app to recognize phone numbers on your page and easily see if you’ve had a previous conversation with that contact in Captivated. If you have, the contact’s name will appear on the extension’s number list.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Captivated Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Captivated Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Email signature generator and signature templates
VelocityInsight brings the power of ReconVelocity to your store’s CRM or IMS.
Make and receive calls in our extension. Use your custom templates to make the contact match more comfortable than ever.
Finds VIN's on your pages and provides you with a simple way to open up a new vAuto Appraisal with that VIN.
Text from any CRM or web app without disrupting your workflow
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