Chrome History Cleaner extension clears only the browsing history automatically when the browser starts every time. This will not clear cookies, cache and passwords etc., to keep the user session alive. You can schedule this extension to run every predefined time interval such as 5, 10, 15 minutes. You can select the time interval from the extension popup page. Support for clearing the other browsing data will be added soon.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Chrome History Cleaner Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Chrome History Cleaner Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Best way to clean cache and chrome browsing data! Easily clean history, downloads, cookie or set auto history cleaning!
Quickly delete recent browser history, cookies, cache, downloads, forms, and passwords for a custom period.
Clear your browser history, cache and cookies for Google Chrom ein just one click!
Clear your browser history, cache and cookies for Google Chrome in just one click!
Auto replay videos with ONE-CLICK, able to customise features such as AUTO LOOP toggle, setting loop counts and loop portion.
A single-click browser history cleaner. You can wipe your browser history for a configurable period.
Ultimate Auto History Cleaner keeps your chrome information safe by removing browsing data for you automatically.
Control Your History! Choose to Auto Delete Certain History and/or Auto Clean Older History
Control Your Privacy Settings! Delete browser history. Clear cookies. Clear passwords and cache. Remove hosted app data. ★★★★★
Clear ALL Browsing Data by deleting downloads, cached files and browsing history.