ClassroomGo Teachers - Classroom Management Chrome Extension

ClassroomGo Teachers - Classroom Management chrome extension

ClassroomGo Teachers - Classroom Management for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    20K +
  • Reviewed by :
    3 Chrome Users
  • Author Name:
  • ['', '敦煌里信義路四段265巷12弄1號 Daan District, Taipei City 106 TW', 'True', '雲動教育科技', 'Mike Yung', 'YunDong Education Solutions Ltd']
ClassroomGo Teachers - Classroom Management chrome extension is ClassroomGo-行動裝置教學廣播播系統.
 ClassroomGo-teaching broadcasting system for mobile devices
1. The teachers control terminal supports Chrome OS, Mac, and Windows systems, and the students control terminal supports logged-in Chromebooks.
2. It can load the teachers Google Classroom class information and the list of students attending the class, and the screen images of the online students controlled terminal can be viewed at a glance from the teachers main control terminal.
3. Allow the host to project the screen to the Chromebook of the controlled end, or assign the Chromebook screen of a specific controlled end and project it to the screens of the other controlled ends.
4. Allow the control terminal to block the screen of the selected controlled Chromebook, return the screen, and choose full screen or page push hyperlink.
5. Allow the control terminal to view the Chrome browser tabs opened when the controlled Chromebook is online, and block or close inappropriate tabs directly from the control terminal.
6. Allow the host to designate up to four controlled terminals to simultaneously broadcast screens to other controlled terminals.
7. Allow teachers to add websites or whitelists to be blocked for examination mode, and check students website browsing history at any time in the classroom.
8. Allow teachers to ask questions or discuss with students one-on-one using voice or text.
9. Allow the teacher to export the student attendance status of the class on the specified date after the class is over.
10. Allow the teacher to select the students who answered more fairly through the Lucky Wheel function.
11. Allow teachers to broadcast text messages or send important messages in full screen to students Chromebooks.
12. Allow the teacher to broadcast camera images to the students screens.
13. Allow teachers to post questions and homework to Google Classroom and automatically open the classroom for students.
14. Allow teachers to publish test questions (true or false, multiple choice or short answer) with short photos, and also support handwriting mode of pictures to submit answers. Answers submitted by students will be automatically returned and saved to the teachers cloud hard drive.
15. Teachers are allowed to publish rush-answer questions and push them to student vehicles. In addition, there are two modes for rush-answer questions: only the first person can answer or the whole class can answer. Students submit answers and their order will be automatically saved to the teachers cloud hard drive
16. The video camera function of the Teaching Broadcast Treasure Box can not only record videos but also automatically save them in the teachers cloud hard drive.
17. The paintbrush function of the Teaching Broadcast Treasure Box allows the teacher to directly write notes and frame key points for students during teaching.
18. The timer function of the teaching radio treasure box can be used for teachers to conduct time-limited teaching activities.
19. The short URL function of the Teaching Broadcast Treasure Box can also include historical records and click-through rates.
20. The remote support function of Teaching Broadcast Treasure Box, the support end can remotely view the screen of the other end without installing any plug-ins and assist in troubleshooting.
21. The teaching broadcast interface supports three languages: Chinese, English and Japanese.
22. The teaching broadcast supports the use across network segments.
23. Support AI to automatically generate question banks.

How to install ClassroomGo Teachers - Classroom Management chrome extension in chrome Browser

You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the ClassroomGo Teachers - Classroom Management Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.

  • Step 1: Go to the Chrome webstore or download the extension ClassroomGo Teachers - Classroom Management Chrome Extension Download from
  • Step 2: Now search for the ClassroomGo Teachers - Classroom Management in Chrome Webstore Search and click on the search button.
  • Step 3: click on the ClassroomGo Teachers - Classroom Management Chrome Extension Link
  • Step 4: in the next page click on the Add to Chrome button to Download and Install the ClassroomGo Teachers - Classroom Management extension for your Chrome Web browser .

ClassroomGo Teachers - Classroom Management Chrome extension Download

Looking for a method to ClassroomGo Teachers - Classroom Management Download for Chrome then this download link is for you.

It is the ClassroomGo Teachers - Classroom Management Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.

Download ClassroomGo Teachers - Classroom Management chrome extension (CRX)

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