Instantly downloads and opens 3D files from the web to a 3DView app. Great for previewing 3D files right from the web sites like 3DView app is required! 3DView is a lightweight, free and easy application for 3D modeling and printing. It allows viewing, quality inspection, measuring, editing and sharing 3D files, working alone or with a remote team. Supported file formats: STL, OBJ, AMF, 3DS, PLY, Collada, CTM, VTK, BABYLON, THING and ZIP
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Click to open 3D Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Click to open 3D Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
View your 3D files quickly from local computer.
View your 3D files (obj/slt) quickly from local computer.
Expand autodesk fusion360 learning website box.
Load almost any type of 3D model quickly and easily in our established 3D viewer. All common open file formats are supported.
Replace your browser homepage with a 3D Globe. Add your favorite sites. Fully customisable with 360 degree panoramic backgrounds.
This extension will Launch ATLANTIS 3D Editor 2.0+ as standalone application from Chrome version 45+ that no longer support plugin.
A light weight 3D Model Viewer right in your browser.
Create, manage and distribute 3D content on high scale
Switch between tabs by flip through the thumbnail or title of tabs in 3D view
View 3D and CAD files direcly in your browser