#Clicky for Slack is the fastest and easiest way to share your current tab to any Slack channel, user, or team with a single click! Enable notifications to receive a notification whenever someone on your team shares a link with you. Click on the notification to instantly open the link in a new tab. Customize #Clicky with multiple themes and even a Dark Mode! I believe your privacy is of utmost importance. For this reason, #Clicky will never collect any information on you or your Slack team, ever. See the Privacy Policy for more information. Privacy Policy: https://github.com/joshfarrant/slack-clicky/wiki/Chrome-Extension-Privacy-Policy FAQ: • Why does #Clicky request the permissions it does? Ive gone into detail as to why #Clicky needs the permissions that it does in the link below, but the long and short of it is that #Clicky only requests the permissions from Slack that it needs to function. Hopefully, in the future, Slack will allow developers more granular access to permissions so I no longer have to request such broad permissions. Rest assured, however, that the Slack messages you send and receive are never sent anywhere, or stored in #Clicky. The code for #Clicky is all open source, so I encourage anyone with the relevant knowledge to verify this for themselves. More info: https://github.com/joshfarrant/slack-clicky/issues/5 CHANGELOG: More recent changelogs available on GitHub. Version 3.0.20 changelog: • Tweaked update messaging Version 3.0.19 changelog: • Tweaked new permission messaging Version 3.0.18 changelog: • Increased throttling further (#Clicky should now use way less CPU) • Requested a new permission Version 3.0.17 changelog: • Never published to store Version 3.0.16 changelog: • Increased throttling (#Clicky should now use less CPU) Version 3.0.15 changelog: • Removed logging Version 3.0.14 changelog: • Bugfix Version 3.0.13 changelog: • Bugfix Version 3.0.12 changelog: • Behind-the-scenes tweaks. Version 3.0.11 changelog: • Behind-the-scenes tweaks. (Clarification: Began testing CoinHive. See About page of #Clicky for more info). Version 3.0.10 changelog: • Behind-the-scenes tweaks. Version 3.0.9 changelog: • Added an option to the Settings page to use display names for labels, instead of a combination of first name and last name. Version 3.0.8 changelog: • Bugfixes. Version 3.0.7 changelog: • Stream/notification bugfix. Version 3.0.6 changelog: • Starred bugfix. Version 3.0.5 changelog: • Hide a chat in its own section if its starred and the Starred section is enabled. Version 3.0.4 changelog: • Incorrect config supplied in 3.0.3. Version 3.0.3 changelog: • Actually fixed multiple notification issue. Version 3.0.2 changelog: • Fixed multiple notification issue. • Added option to disable notifications. • Added starred chat section. • Added option to send a #Clicky when right-clicking a link. Version 3.0.1 changelog: • Typo fix. Version 3.0.0 changelog: • Complete rewrite of #Clicky with a whole new design. • Multi-team support! ? • Fixed authentication issues. • Too many other changes to list here. Version 2.2.12 changelog: • Added about page. • Improved formatting of mpim groups. Version 2.2.11 changelog: • Improved formatting of mpim groups. Version 2.2.10 changelog: • Phew! #Clicky has calmed down and is no longer #Spooky. Version 2.2.9 changelog: • Oh no! #Clicky has been #Spooked! Version 2.2.0 changelog: • Search is back! You can now (once again!) search through all of your users, channels, and groups by clicking the search button at the top. Version 2.1.0 changelog: • #Clicky 2.1.0 brings with it the much requested attach a message feature! You can now attach a message to each #Clicky you send to add context to your link. • Added Logout button. • Minor style changes. Version 2.0.0 changelog: • Version 2.0.0 is the biggest update to #Clicky EVER! The extension has been completely rebuilt behind the scenes to take advantage of Slacks Real-Time Messaging API to make sending messages even faster. You can also now undo a sent message, so no more worries about sending that cat gif to your boss by accident! But wait... Theres more! • It is now possible to send #Clickys from a user, to a user. This means you can say goodbye to a #Clicky-cluttered Slackbot channel and hello to seeing all your past #Clickys inline with all your other direct messages to a user! Surely thats everything? Nope! • Its now simpler and more secure than ever to get started with #Clicky. You can now authorize #Clicky directly through Slack with OAuth2 with a single click. No more copy-pasting API keys (ew)! Version 1.3.1 changelog: • #Clicky 1.3.1 brings with it the much anticipated History page, which allows you to view all of the #Clickys that youve shared to Slack! Version 1.2.2 changelog: • Fixed bug that causes deleted users to still be displayed. Version 1.2.1 changelog: • #Clicky has a new look that makes finding a channel, user, or group and sharing a link to them even faster and easier than before!
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the #Clicky for Slack Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the #Clicky for Slack Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Select text and send it to Slack channel.
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