Math geeks rejoice! Inspired by the fantastic calculator build into Googles search engine, Cloudy Calculator handles many of the same kinds of calculations as Google does. In fact, if Cloudy Calculator cant handle a calculation, it asks Google for the result (youll see a little 'G' to the left of those calculations). ======== New in 6.1 Some long overdue bug fixes. Some highlights: * Currency conversion works again * Hex conversion works again ======== Quick Tips * Scrollable history of previous calculations * Use up/down arrow keys to access input history. * Click on any result to insert it into the input area. * Ctrl+Click on any result to copy to clipboard. * Click the little arrow at the upper right to pop out to new window. * Last result can be accessed using the '@' variable. * Create your own user variables -- @abc_123 = 42 * Store an unevaluated expression -- @x := 10 meters * Youll see a faint 'G' next to results caclulated by Google. Click the 'G' to see the original Google result. Some of the things Cloudy Calculator is capable of handling * Mixed unit calculations -- 2 mi + 4 km + 3 light-years in feet * Unit conversion -- 1/4 cup in tablespoons * Currency conversion -- 56 dollars in euros * Hex, octal, binary -- 4 + 0xAF + 0o71 + 0b10 in hex * Mathematical functions -- sin, cos, tan, log, etc. * Mathematical and physical constants -- pi, e, h, c, etc. You can find a pretty detailed overview of the kinds of calculations Googles search engine can handle here: * Feel free to give us a heads up on any bugs youve noticed or suggest features here: * (Special Thanks to MinstormsKid and IIsi 50MHz)
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Cloudy Calculator Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Cloudy Calculator Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Awesome Scientific Calculator for Google Chrome
Универсальный калькулятор от SmartTools для браузера. Без рекламы! С поддержкой тем.