Content Farm Terminator has the following features: 1. Detects and marks hyperlinks targeting a content farm in any webpage, so that you can evade them easily. 2. Blocks any attempt to visit a content farm, so that you can evade them definitely. 3. A blocked page can be “View”ed within a sandbox with ads and scripts removed, so that you can investigate on them securely. 4. Customizable blacklists, whitelists, and graylists. Subscription of web blacklists is also supported. 5. A web page domain can be quickly blacklisted through the context menu on a page, a hyperlink, or a selected text.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Content Farm Terminator Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Content Farm Terminator Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Bitdefender TrafficLight adds a strong and non-intrusive layer of security to your browsing experience.
Immersion-reading mode of Chrome extensions, similar to Safari read mode.
Bookmarks, if well organized, is as important as a well-tuned homepage. Xiaoshu is a trouble-saving and efficient 2-in-1 extension…
This extension is to block Scam Web and Content Farm and 'Critic' the articles.
Blocks sites you specify from appearing in Google search results
This extension mutes all Chrome tabs by default. Great tool against autoplayed videos and ads!
Shows country flag and other IP / domain information in the location bar.
Preventing to open content farm by mistake
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