Extensie de browser care ajută al identificarea expresiilor cheie legate de COVID-19 (coronavirus) și adaugă peste acestea un infobox care trimite către sursele oficiale de informare. Evidențierea surselor oficiale ajută la diminuarea efectelor fake news. Concept dezvoltat ca parte din programul Civic Labs al Code for Romania în parteneriat cu Autoritatea pentru Digitalizarea României. This is a browser extension that helps identify key expressions related to COVID-19 (coronavirus) and adds an infobox that links to official sources of information. Highlightning official sources helps to diminish the effects of fake news. The concept is developed as part of the Civic Labs program from Code for Romania in partnership with the Authority for Romanias digitalization.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the COVID-19 STIRI OFICIALE Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the COVID-19 STIRI OFICIALE Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
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