Start Page / New Tab page for Creative People and Web Designers that helps to discover new free resources for your projects! Every new tab a random Royalty Free Photo as cover, and a random Google Font for the main sentence. Discover them, follow the download link or 'love' them to keep track of your favorite resources for your next creative project!
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the CreativeStart Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the CreativeStart Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Allows user to pin all open tabs or to unpin all pinned tabs
Chrome extension for downlading images.
Displays all Google products in a single, space-saving, drop-down panel
Adds an inline Pinterest Pin button to all images viewed in Chrome
Send images from any website to your pinboards.
Monetize your Pinterest Pins and engage people with targeted conversations about the things they love.
Bring mobile Pinterest experience to desktop.
Click Pin's thumbnail image to visit source website! Easy peasy!
Print Pinterest pins Properly
Take anything you can see on a web page, and pin it to Pinterest