Dark Mode Facebook is easy to use. To enable the extension, just click on the extension icon. Dark Mode for Facebook protects your eyes by changing the site background to a dark one. The extension automatically sets the dark theme for all Facebook pages. The dark mode protects your eyes. Convenient to use in poor light or dark. The extension makes the pages not completely black, it makes the pages dark, which means less contrast, which is better for the eyes in an unlit room. This is an independent project developed by Grunbaster and not related to Facebook Inc.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Dark Mode for Facebook Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Dark Mode for Facebook Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Dark Mode can set all sites in your browser to dark mode or pleasant darkening modes
Scheduled Dark Mode for Facebook Messenger, now including Sunset to Sunrise controls.
Unofficial Messenger dark mode. Easily swap between dark and light mode.
Simple dark theme for Facebook Messenger.
Turn on Dark Mode for Web Page. Take care of your eyes, and use a dark theme for the night and daily browsing.