Dark Mode is a Chrome extension that will give your Freshdesk console a new look. It allows setting a dark theme that is less tiring for the eyes. DARK MODE Dark Mode is highly demanded since it allows reducing eye strain and facilitate screen use in dark environments. So, we decided to bring it to Freshdesk users since support reps often have to work night shifts. Dark Mode works with all the features that come with your Freshdesk. And you can adjust the contrast and brightness of the theme to your liking. NIGHT SHIFT Switching to dark mode is an excellent decision for maintaining eye health. But even with the dark mode on, the computer screen still emits blue light, which affects sleep. The Night Shift feature inverts the blue light to the warm spectrum. Therefore, reducing the risk of insomnia. You can turn the Night Shift on and off when the need calls for it.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Dark Mode for Freshdesk Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Dark Mode for Freshdesk Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Dark mode switch any websites to dark theme. Take care of your eyes day using a classic dark reader or change screen brightness.
Dark mode for every website. Take care of your eyes, use dark theme for night and daily browsing.
Dark theme for every website. Care your eyes, use Dark Reader for night and daily browsing.
Dark theme and night shift mode for every website. Care your eyes, use Lunar Dark Reader for night and daily web browsing.
Turn on Dark Mode for Web Page. Take care of your eyes, and use a dark theme for the night and daily browsing.