Sometimes you just need to disable chrome extensions temporarily. This extension does just that, with one click. Even better, it remembers which extensions where previously enabled and will re-enable them again with just one click. Disable Extensions Temporarily is easy to use and free.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Disable Extensions Temporarily Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Disable Extensions Temporarily Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
View, enable, disable, remove your extensions with ease.
Provides a switch to toggle statuses of installed extensions.
Right Click Tab Navigation
Quickly enable or disable extensions. No Ads. No nonsense.
A button for everything.
Manage Chrome extension at the tip of your finger, with just 1-click.
Button bar, combining downloads, bookmarks, extensions, history, view source, print, and more from a single button. Awesome!
Quickly disable and enable installed extensions and apps. Whitelist items to remain unaffected.
Quickly enable/disable Google Chrome extensions
Elementary extension manager. Compact design, no superfluous features.