Tools that make using Dreamwidth for roleplaying purposes much easier! Version 5.0.0 Customize text buttons Experimental blacklist Features: Comment page autoscroll Load all comment pages at once Action Tag text insert button 'Text Message' text insert button Imgur album icon insert and Icon Selector Icon Selector on unpaid accounts Batch Icon uploading
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Dreamwidth Tools Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Dreamwidth Tools Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Autosave, everywhere. Recover lost form input with ease!
Add songs and music videos to your Playmoss playlists from any website.
Would you like to control what shows up on your dashboard? Tumblr Savior is here to save you!
Extension to fix the hotlinking issue in Photobucket, It's not needed to pay with this extension, the images will continue loading.
Plurk 表情符號快取,避免每次瀏覽都重新下載。
Show hidden Plurk smile.
This addon lets users easily switch between accounts on LiveJournal-based websites.
The enhancement suite for Tumblr's new web interface
Highlights transphobic/anti-LGBT and trans-friendly subreddits/users/facebook pages/groups with different colors.