Dynalist Companion Clipper clips the current page URL and selected text to your Dynalist inbox location. Instructions: (1) To use this extension, you need to have a Dynalist account. If you dont have one, sign up for one here: https://dynalist.io/signup (2) Set an inbox location in Dynalist. Heres how: https://help.dynalist.io/article/119-set-an-inbox-location (3) Log into Dynalist on the browser. (4) Use the extension icon to capture the current page, or use the right click menu to clip current page or selected text. Advanced usage: (1) When the capture popup is open, you can hit Ctrl+Enter to capture; (2) Customize the format of your captured text in options.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Dynalist Companion Clipper Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Dynalist Companion Clipper Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Bookmark websites in Dynalist
Search WorkFlowy. From any website or Workflowy page. Select text or enter it. Simple. Surprisingly useful.
Create intuitive text shortcuts to your favorite WorkFlowy lists, websites, and tools.
Multi-column view for WorkFlowy
Allows to assign color to tags in Workflowy
Collect bookmarks and web clippings from email, Jira, GitHub, Zendesk, annotate and organize into flexible (todo) lists.
Add a WorkFlowy bullet (or any webpage) to Google Calendar in two clicks.
Bookmark websites in WorkFlowy
Quickly check your Checkvist without leaving the page.