NEW RELEASE 1.1: This version resolves an issue where some downloads from other sites would sometimes use the wrong filename. There is a bug in On-Premise Microsoft Dynamics that saves files with names like filename.xls. For example, if youre downloading a report called CrmReport.xls it gets saved to your computer as CrmReport.xls with the extension of .xls. This means that your machine isnt able to open the files without a rename. This is caused because old versions of Microsoft Dynamics do not understand how to send a valid file request response to Chrome so it saves the file as surrounded by single quotes. This simple script identifies when files are downloaded that start and end with and simply removes the leading and trailing . There is no data stored, no data sent and no records of your usage of this extension are kept. More details available over at Produced by Nick Hance, Software Project Rescue Specialist and President of
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Dynamics CRM File Download Fix Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Dynamics CRM File Download Fix Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Remove single quotes from file name (related to issue with chrome 72)
Now everyone on the team can own quality. Capture findings, create issues, and collaborate with the team, directly from the browser.
Admin tools for Dynamics 365/CRM
Track emails, sync calendars, work with activities, convert important emails into Dynamics 365 activities without leaving Gmail…
Make it possible to open by click a link to a local file that is disabled by Chrome.