Turns the font on all pages into Open Dyslexic on every page AND allows for a wide array of super useful font manipulation tools to help ease the pain of reading online. The font is designed to ease the pains of reading with dyslexia by combatting commonly occurring symptoms. For more information visit opendyslexic.org. The reading feature lets you tag along while your browser reads to you! If you have a hard time tracking, and loose your place (like I so often do) this feature is designed for you. Just highlight what you want read, click 'Read Selected' in the right click menu, and it will read the highlighted text in the voice of your choosing!! Features in 2.2.0 include: - Complete Font Manipulation Controls and Toggle Switch - ability to font size - ability to change font color - ability to change word spacing - ability to change letter spacing - ability to change line spacing - Choose from Open Dyslexic, any google fonts, or any other installed fonts on your computer! - Overlay Feature to add a filter over the top of any page with a user specified color. - Reader which allows the user to have the computer read selected text - Detects which ever voices are installed on your machine - Allows you to set the speed, pitch and volume in the menu - With local voices (those installed directly on your machine) the text will be highlighted. - Allows the user to change the color of highlighted text. -Speech to Text allowing users to speak and have the words written for them. - Supports 191 different languages!! -Ruler - Follows your mouse to offer a straight line to keep your eyes on thooe line of text you are reading. - Alter the offset, height, transparency and color - Community Groups! - Meet fellow extension users and make friends with our family friendly user groups! - Chat with the developers about extension and make direct suggestions - Share dyslexic stories/horrible teacher stories - Get your ideas put into the extension!! - Automatic Reloading Toggle allows uses to have all open tabs transformed to and from settings automatically. - Just go to general and untick this if it bugs you. Its not for everyone! - Bug Report Links to tell us what you think, and ways to improve this extension. - Have an idea? Let us know about it!! - Found a problem with the extension? We want to fix it for you!! - Like the extension? We would love to hear what you like about it!! _________________________ PREMIUM FEATURES: - Compatible PDF reader. -- open beta _________________________ Update Change Log: 1.2.3: - fixed none-working dyslexia month link. - changed the description in manifest. 1.2.4: - fixed font selector toggle bug. - updated the overlay feature to allow most pictures to be shown over the overlays. 1.2.5: - added social links in general tab. 1.2.6: - fixed bugs with default font overriding when off - added comic sans font - font names now show as font types 1.2.7: - bug fix 1.3.0: - moved to manifest v3 - added highlighting text feature for localService voices. - added ability to change color of highlighter. - added branding, and re-introduced donation link. 1.3.1: - added a ruler feature to allow your eyes to easily stay on the same line in text. 1.3.2: - fixed PDF Reader issues. - ruler now appears at mouse location - All system fonts are now accessible. - Highlightable voices are now labeled as such. - fixed broken highlighter bug. 1.3.3: - new key bindings to toggle features on page w/o reloading. - Overlays complete and out of beta. 2.0.0: - brand new modern menu - automatic reloading no longer refreshes pages - no more submit buttons!! changes are saved automatically - brand new website and YouTube channel where you can learn how use all features. - new notification system which updates users when new features become available. 2.0.1: - Facebook autofocusing issue solved. - changed font scaling unit from rem to px (meaning its the same sizing as other platforms) - added instructions to the reading controls tab. 2.0.2: - Added Dyslexic Shop tab with embedded shop preview. 2.0.3: - Added the ability to switch to any regular google font. - Added the ability to stick the ruler to a set position on the page. 2.1.0: - Added diction feature. (Beta) - HAPPY DYSLEXIC AWARENESS MONTH!! 2.1.1: - Added dyslexic awareness month detector (to prevent unnecessary updates) - Updated speech to text feature with grammar print out to be copied, and fixed facebook bugs. 2.1.2: - Fixed the bug which caused the menu to not update when changed. 2.1.3: - Added new bionic text font manipulation feature. 2.1.4: - Fixed highlighting feature not finding elements - Fixed Overlay Presistance. - Added Patreon patron beta testing capabilities for PDF viewer. 2.1.5: - Fixed a font not toggling bug - added external message origin protections 2.2.0: - Fixed speech to text not working. - Opened premium beta to the public. - Link to pdf viewer on pop down.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Dyslexic Browser Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Dyslexic Browser Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Boost your Online Reading Journey with Text to Speech (TTS), Screen Shader, Reading Ruler, OpenDyslexic Font, ePub Reader, and more!
Format pages using the OpenDyslexic font and low contrast help
Improve your reading, writing & accessibility. Including Immersive Reader, Summarize, Dyslexia support, Reading mode and more.
Change webpage styling for better readability
This is a simple reading ruler, useful when you are reading long texts on web.