Twitch, BTTV & FFZ emotes of your choosing on any site. -choose any emote you want it to work with -whitelist mode to whitelist sites you want it to work with -blacklist mode to blacklist sites you dont want it to work with right click icon and click options for settings. W.I.P
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Emotes Everywhere Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Emotes Everywhere Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Restores Legacy Chat
Twitch culture wherever you go! This extension replaces all emote phrases with their actual emoticons.
Use a variety of unique faces on Twitch!
See custom emotes on any site.
Never again type your O's out on twitch! e.g N OMEGALUL or WH OMEGALUL, now - just type it normally and let us do the work for you!
Improve your viewing experience on Twitch & YouTube with new features, emotes, vanity and performance.
Shows twitch viewercount in tab title
Add meme emotes everywhere
Make BTTV even Better! - Extension giving back freedom of usage of BTTV!
A combination of add-ons for the Twitch extension 'FrankerFaceZ'