The ePadLink SigCaptureWeb SDK Extension allows developers and integrators to easily capture handwritten signatures securely in web applications running in the Chrome browser, and to bind those signatures to the document being signed.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the ePadLink SigCaptureWeb SDK Extension Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the ePadLink SigCaptureWeb SDK Extension Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Access DocuSign eSignature anytime you’re in Chrome.
MSTC Signer Chrome Extension Extension
The Topaz SigIDExtLite Chrome Extension enables users to Enroll,verify Fingerprint and export Fingerprint Image.
Plugin do sistema agillos para assinatura digital no Google Chrome
The Topaz Chrome Extension for Adobe Sign enables users to sign PDFs on a variety of Topaz signature pads.
The Topaz SigPlusExtLite Chrome Extension enables users to capture signatures on a wide variety of Topaz signature pads.
This extension enables the web-based capturing of signatures and images.