Esta extensión permitirá compartir pantalla en las salas de videoconferencia de ClassOnLive.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Extensión Compartir-Pantalla Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Extensión Compartir-Pantalla Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Just click our extension icon on toolbar to shorten the URL of current page with url shortener service.
Share your computer screen in a Microsoft Teams meeting
Pasar lista de forma rápida y fácil.
Extension convert text subtitles for YouTube into natural-sounding speech using AI technologies.
Allows you to send any internet videos to Chromecast™
Casts videos in pages like youtube via MkChromecast
Instant browser tab or screen sharing with one or multiple customers. No download or preparation needed, even on their mobile.
Cast media from Google Drive directly to a Chromecast device
Identifica rapidamente las páginas que puedes utilizar como intereses en tus segmentaciones.
Utilice la extensión para acceder a los contenidos de Movistar+ desde Chrome.