Con esta extensión podrás extraer las entidades de las que tratan los 10 primeros resultados para una búsqueda en concreto. Esto es muy útil para enfocar el contenido de tu sitio web de manera semántica, insertando las entidades de las que hablan nuestros competidores en las SERPs.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Extractor de entidades Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Extractor de entidades Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
LinkParser analyzes the links of the current page. It can differentiate between 9 link types & mark them in different colors.
View source is dead. See how the browser renders a page, not just what the server sends.
Measure metrics for a healthy site
Keyword Surfer allows you to generate 'key'word ideas and see search volumes directly in Google search results.
Displays all meta data and main SEO information for the best SEO
On-page SEO report, broken link checker, redirect tracer, and country changer for search results in one extension.
SeeRobots conveniently displays the meta robots information of the website you are viewing - For more info visit
a helper to efficiently download crawl data from GSC
The HTTP Header & Redirect Checker for SEO
The all-in-one redirect path analyzer. It also analyzes HTTP Headers, REL-canonicals, robots.txt, link power, and link trust!