Feedart replaces the ads you see on your Facebook feed by cool pieces of art. We feature a different artist or style every week.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the FeedArt Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the FeedArt Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Art masterpieces from Google Arts & Culture in your browser tabs
Acede a todos os sites bloqueados em Portugal. Uma experiencia de internet livre e sem qualquer tipo de bloqueios.
Loads the featured artist from Artistaday.com as your background in tabs and gives you quick access to search across 3200+ artists.
Product Hunt brings you the best new technology products, every day. Weave discovery into your daily workflow with each new tab…
Quer bloquear textos relacionados ao Big Brother no facebook?
Subistitui 'Temer' por 'Frank Underwood'.
Turn the Facebook News Feed into a todo list so you can stop wasting time and start getting things done. Also works for LinkedIn,…
Deixe seu navegador dizer a verdade com esse plugin que troca 'Michel Temer' por 'Temer Golpista'.
learn some art every day
Segura esse impulso porque a Nath Finanças tá de olho, viu?!