Download FoE - Helper & Tools chrome extension. This AddOn supports you playing in your browser with timer, notifications and notes! and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct FoE - Helper & Tools Crx download for Chrome it is also called FoE - Helper & Tools offline CRX for chrome Download. This FoE - Helper & Tools is used to This AddOn supports you playing in your browser with timer, notifications and notes!
Connects your Forge of Empires session with your ForgeCommander session and optionally records your statistic data to ForgeCommander
Small tools and helpers for a better gaming experience in Forge of Empires
The script for the browser game Grepolis. Converts reports, records the city wall and many other useful features, unavailable in…
[EN][FR][ES][TR][DE] Improves the OGame interface by adding elements and menu entries.
Create and share your combat reports. Tentlan-GameHelper extension for usage of
Essential Info for Forge of Empires addicts
This extension automatically saves all the playlists you create or access in, for the greatest convenience.
Improve your gladiatus experience!