>> Note: We are currently looking for translators for other languages. Take a look: http://i18n.foe-helper.com << For the page foe-helper.com statistics can be collected and evaluated on the website. These include guild member statistics, guild member motivation activities, friends and neighbors. And all this fully automated in the background. Furthermore, the extension currently shows in the form of a sidebar ingame: - Cost calculator (costs of the respective places) - own account calculator (order of deposits + own account calculator) - own FP production (how many FP does my city produce?) - Outpost - Goods overview - and much more Errors or wisches can be reported directly in the github: https://github.com/mainIine/foe-helfer-extension/issues
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the FoE - Helper Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the FoE - Helper Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Connects your Forge of Empires session with your ForgeCommander session and optionally records your statistic data to ForgeCommander
Use your favourite maps in „The Settlers Online“ without switching between tabs or apps.
The script for the browser game Grepolis. Converts reports, records the city wall and many other useful features, unavailable in…
[EN][FR][ES][TR][DE] Improves the OGame interface by adding elements and menu entries.
Find secure shops in your Google search: install the official Trusted Shops extension
Adds MyJDownloader to your browser, a service that enables you to remote control your JDownloader.
Create and share your combat reports. Tentlan-GameHelper extension for usage of Tentlan.GameHelper.net
This AddOn supports you playing in your browser with timer, notifications and notes!
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