Download Font Inspector chrome extension. Click on any HTML element to get the font info in a popup! and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct Font Inspector Crx download for Chrome it is also called Font Inspector offline CRX for chrome Download. This Font Inspector is used to Click on any HTML element to get the font info in a popup!
An easy-to-use font inspector to get CSS styles of the selected element
Create grids and measure their distance easily.
A simple helper to identify font details from any website
Download SVGs from websites as SVGs, PNGs or JPEGs
Measure and align elements within Chrome
An extention to show/inspect and analyze fonts in web-pages, on single element or the whole document.
The ultimate measuring tool for the web
A simple CSS property viewer.
Typography Inspector analyses the typography on your site and helps you improve it.
An easy way to inspect the CSS of any element with only hover over, and copy its entire CSS with one click.