SVG Export is a great tool that searches for SVGs on websites and enables you to rapidly export them as PNGs, JPEGs or SVGs with ease. Features - Bulk export - Export as PNG, JPEG or SVG - Resize images - Copy SVGs for Sketch, Figma or Framer - Inlines important styles and colours that are applied with css - Embeds linked nodes from other parts of the site This is great for designers and developers wanting to pull SVGs from sites without having to dive into the source code.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the SVG Export Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the SVG Export Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Save SVG images as PNG. Navigate to an .svg file, right click on it and click on the context menu item 'Save SVG as PNG.
Extract CSS and build beautiful styleguides.
Find, optimize, organize, edit, and export your SVGs
A tool to quickly preview and get all the svg assets from a website.
Import a web page to Figma layers
All-in-one browser extension to improve your web dev experience.
Generate a brand style guide for any website instantly
Speed up your design workflow!
Easily find and download SVG Icons from a certain cloud management portal.
Site Palette generates a color palette from any website, allowing designers to use it as a reference in their work.