Making front-end and elements don`t align - this extension will help you find why. It shows an overlay highlighting an element of the page.When clicked the element becomes fixed and then measurements are made between the fixed and the currently highlighted element.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Formal Measures Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Formal Measures Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Create grids and measure their distance easily.
Measure and align elements within Chrome
Drag and resize a ruler overlay to quickly measure pixel dimensions, positioning, and alignment of elements on any webpage.
Inspector is the tool which mimic display dimension between selected and hover element. It would be good for designers, QA
The ultimate measuring tool for the web
Create grids and rulers overlays to help develop your web applications
Element distance measurement tool.
Chrome extension for measuring elements on page
This simple app allows you to create modify and delete horizontal and vertical guides to check if the elements are correctly aligned
A tool for designers to measure screen dimensions