FPL Tools: 1. Fixture difficulty -In page fixture difficulty in team and transfer list. -Home and away indicator with uppercase indicate home and lowercase indicate away. -Default green -> red color indicate lower to higher fixture difficulty. -Color scheme options to change color to blue -> red for fixture difficulty. 2. Last 5 GW Points -Last 5 Game week points in page -Hover to see opponent details 3.Net Transfers -Net transfers in transfer page in pitch view and transfer list. 4.Extended League Tables -Added more information about teams in league tables like last 5 gw points, total transfer, hits, team value, captain, cheap used, total cheap used and playing xi. 5. Expected Points -Shows expected points for next GW for playing 11 and bench in my team page 6. Quick Transfer -Add player without popup from transfer list 7. Compare Players -Compare players within fpl dialog -How to compare players? * open any player information dialog * select player to compare with * max 3 players can be compared
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the FPL Tools Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the FPL Tools Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
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Advanced statistical analysis and Artificial Intelligence to help you maximize your FPL points this season.
Display the fixtures from upcoming gameweeks while selecting your fantasy football team.
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Master Fantasy Premier League with the Better FPL extension! Dominate your mini leagues and make your friends envy your genius!
A tool to access other shirts on FPL - if a player is playing away, they play in their away shirt!