FurAffinity Extender adds to the your browsing experience of FurAffinity.net by adding features such as saving files, Open Gallery in Tabs to open all images in a gallery at once, keyboard shortcuts, and more.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the FurAffinity Extender Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the FurAffinity Extender Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
This extension adds a 'Crosspost to Weasyl' button to various art sites.
A WebExtension for adding shiny features to art websites.
You can download the images, comics and novels easily from Pixiv!
Full-size pop-up image previewer for submission view on Fur Affinity
Implements a better uploader and notification system on FurAffinity.
Filters out unwanted artists/images while browsing on Furaffinity.net