Furigana (振り仮名) is chrome extension that convert kanji (japanese text) to furigana, that is a japanese text with small hints above each word how to pronounce it. For known words it also displays english meaning of the word. It uses my own dictionary-based kanji tokenizer. Data are from EDICT dictionary plus my own data. Unlike similar extensions (e.g. IPA Furigana), this one converts all kanji, not just the hard ones. It also converts hiragana and katakana. For example: Original: 時速501キロ体験!リニアモーターカー車内映像 ! Furigana: jisoku 501 kiro taiken! rinia mootaakaa shanai eizou! IPA Furigana: jisoku 501キロ taiken !リニアモーターカーshanai eizou! How to use it? Select text you want to translate. Right-click to display context menu and choose 'Furigana' with yellow icon. This will translate selected text. Because sometimes it hard to select entire sentence, especially around the edges, when you select the middle of sentence, entire block of text will be translated. You can also translate text in popup window (click on yellow icon in upper right corner, type text and press button 'Furigana'). You can add new words to dictionary and publish it for others.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Furigana Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Furigana Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
For learn japanese, work in all website. Select text and double click to translate.
Adding furigana to kanji on Twitter
Adding Furigana Function allow to show the reading of a Kanji character by writing Furigana character at its side.
rikaikun shows the reading and English definition of Japanese words when you hover over Japanese text in the browser.
Inserts Furigana in Hiragana, Katakana or Romaji.
Converts Japanese katakana into rōmaji.
Toggle furigana on and off.