FuriKanji 提供以下的功能: 一、顯示滑鼠下方日文漢字的注音 二、在Google翻譯擴充功能跳出的翻譯上顯示日文漢字注音 三、在15個線上日文漢字辭書網站上直接跳躍 四、將TBS新聞動畫網站變成具備日語聽力學習功能 2020/05/17 修正因TBS改版造成無法載入新聞內容的問題 2020/04/19 修正與Google翻譯外掛整合問題及因辭書改版導致某些辭書間無法跳躍的問題 2019/06/26 修正許多辭書間無法跳躍的問題,及增加三省堂的網路辭書 (以前的修訂略)
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the FuriKanji Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the FuriKanji Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
For learn japanese, work in all website. Select text and double click to translate.
Adding furigana to kanji on Twitter
Adding Furigana Function allow to show the reading of a Kanji character by writing Furigana character at its side.
rikaikun shows the reading and English definition of Japanese words when you hover over Japanese text in the browser.
Inserts Furigana in Hiragana, Katakana or Romaji.
TJDict 是一款方便快速的整合型網路字典,支援英漢、漢英、英英、日日,只要查詢一個單字,就能得到多本字典的查詢結果。再也不用開一堆分頁找單字,節省你的寶貴時間。
Toggle furigana on and off.
Helps you read Japanese text