Google Analytics Copy & Paste does what it says. It makes it extremely easy to copy goals from one profile to another in the new interface of Google Analytics en Universal Analytics! It saves a lot of time when you want a new goal into a lot of existing profiles. It assists the user with all four goaltypes that are available in Google Analytics and copies all settings. Google Analytics Copy & Paste uses a user friendly interface that is only visible when you are using Google Analytics in the active Chrome browser tab. So it will not disturb your browsing experience. We are also planning the support of copying Google Analytics filters.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the GA Copy & Paste by Onetomarket Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the GA Copy & Paste by Onetomarket Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Troubleshoot and audit analytics tags, variables and on-click events. Supports Adobe Analytics, Google Analytics, Ensighten and more
Visualize your tables with bar-charts, comparisons and heat-maps
Copies XML text, tries to indent and places it under the extension button
From Chrome Developer Console, highlight elements to get JavaScript code. Built by: Triangle Digital (
The simple and easy way to view personally identifiable information (PII) in Google Analytics.
The Supermetrics Google Marketing Platform power tools for smart digital marketers and analysts.
Plugin to track Google Analytics Event Tracker event calls
DataLayer Tools for Digital Analysts
Debug your page template to see if it works with Google Tag Manager's auto-event listeners.
Copy your Tags, Triggers and Variables and Paste them into any other account