• Google Calendars top and left toolbars are hidden by default. • Shows toolbars only when you need them. • To activate the top toolbar, hover on the bar at the top of the calendar. • To activate the left toolbar, hover on the bar at the left of the calendar. • Note! You must have the left toolbar activated for the hover bar to show. • TIP: Use forward slash '/' keyboard shortcut to activate Search without using mouse. v 0.3.3: More dark mode tweaks v 0.3.2: Play nicer with Dark Reader extension v 0.3.1: Update to Manifest Version 3 v 0.3.0: Add support for Calendar Dark Mode extension. v 0.2.9: Better support for Search and Settings v 0.2.8: Disable top toolbar hiding while in Edit and Search results v 0.2.7: Fix to hide Create button
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Google Calendar AutoHide Toolbars Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Google Calendar AutoHide Toolbars Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Shows event durations on Google Calendar.
A little visual addon that adds special markup to tags and question marks in event names.
Chrome extension that visually merges the same event on multiple Google Calendars into one event.
Custom Colour for Weekends in Google Calendar
Take your duplicate Google Calendar events and merge them into one event.
Mark events as completed or cancelled in Google Calendar with emojis or strikethroughs.
Turn weekend days light gray in Google Calendar
Hide morning hours on your Google Calendar to stop wasting space on your screen for empty hours.
Colorize events in the new Google Calendar. (Keywords: Gcal color colors event)