The Google Maps Platform API Checker allows you to determine if your website is properly implementing Google’s licensed Maps APIs. Ideal for partners and developers, the Checker shows information about common watchpoints and pitfalls while deploying Maps Platform APIs, including Maps Javascript, Static Maps, and Street View APIs. No longer do you need to sift through code or the JavaScript Console to identify problems. Instead, technical issues are automatically displayed in an icon on the browser’s address bar. Note that the tool does not check for compliance with Google’s terms of service, which govern API usage. Learn more about our privacy policy at Release Notes: 1.1.9 - Improved functionality with the latest version of Chrome. 1.1.8 - We now flag malformed keys. 1.1.7 - Updates to help you find keyless usage - Updates to messages and wording - Simplified interface 1.1.6 - Minor message updates. 1.1.4 - Basic JSAPI detection - Minor bug fixes 1.0.5 - 1.1.1 - Detects client side service usage, including Geocoding, Directions, Distance Matrix, Elevation and Places API. - Signed-in Maps and Google Maps Embed API support. - Bug fixes & performance improvements 0.9.5 - 0.9.8 - Minor bug fixes
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Google Maps Platform API Checker Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Google Maps Platform API Checker Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
View Map on 3D
Explore bird’s eye maps of cities and popular attractions. Travel virtual around the Earth with online maps.
Map location on Google Maps. Just select the text, right click to bring up the context menu and select 'Find in Google Maps'.
Select an address, right click and search it on Google Maps directly. Directly find an address found on a website with 2 clicks.
This extension give you informations of how Google Maps API is implemented.
It will add the ability to open the Ingress Intel Map of the same location in Google Map.
Instantly access Google Maps without having to leave your tab.
Makes Gmail your default email application and provides a button to compose a Gmail message to quickly share a link via email
The Chrome Web Store Launcher provides quick, easy access to all your Chrome apps.
Real Estate plugin for Chrome. Users can open selected addresses in Google maps directly from the same page.