This extension is for Google Meet This will enable simple push to talk functionality to make it easier to only have your microphone on when talk to prevent feedback especially in large meetings When the spacebar is pressed down it will unmute the microphone and when released it will mute the microphone Code -
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Google Meet Push to Talk Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Google Meet Push to Talk Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
40 new features for Google Meet such as mute all, remove all, auto admit, emojis, mirror videos, background color, and push to talk!
For muting and unmuting Google Meet from the extension icon.
Breakout rooms,attendance,dark mode,chat,emojis,reward points,quiz,poll,file sharing,stickies,many more features for Google Meet
Extension for online meetings
Adding productivity features to Google Meet to enhance your meetings.
This extension add a timer in your Meet calls.
Virtual Green Screens, Blur, Pixelate, 3D Filters and More!
Easy muting/unmuting for when you're in a Google Meet.