Try h264ify if YouTube videos stutter, take up too much CPU, eat battery life, or make your laptop hot. By default, YouTube streams VP8/VP9 encoded video. However, this can cause problems with less powerful machines because VP8/VP9 is not typically hardware accelerated. In contrast, H.264 is commonly hardware accelerated by GPUs, which usually means smoother video playback and reduced CPU usage. h264ify makes YouTube stream H.264 videos instead of VP8/VP9 videos. Github:
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the h264ify Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the h264ify Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Automatically set your default YouTube™ video quality with this great new Auto HD, supporting high definition resolution HD/4k/8k.
Choose what video codec YouTube should play for you
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Automatically set the video quality on YouTube according to its FPS!
Make your web pages load faster! Boost browser speed!
Sends videos in pages like youtube to an external MPV player
Extremely lightweight Chrome plugin to disable AV1 on YouTube and other sites.
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Enhance your YouTube watching experience! Cinema Mode, Mouse Wheel Volume Control, AutoHD, Expand, Snapshots …
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