Collapses comment trees on Hacker News. To collapse a comment, click on the [-] button at the right of the commet header. Changes in 1.2.1: * Fixed a bug regarding HN Collapse not working properly when the black line of mourning is visible on on HN. * Fixed a bug regarding the positioning of the collapse button on deleted comments. Changes in 1.2: * Added support for HTTPS. Changes in 1.1: * Fixed bug regarding not hiding the 'reply' link when the comment has no children. * Added support for the 'threads' page.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Hacker News Collapse Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Hacker News Collapse Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
This extension refreshes the visual style of Hacker News and adds a few features, like infinite scrolling. Everything is toggleable.
Hacker News Enhanced.
Displays an icon linking to comments on Hacker News for the current page.
Open Hacker News Links in new tab
Adds reddit-like [+] and [-] links to collapse and expand comment threads.
Stylish Hacker News.
Provides users with the ability to browse Hacker News articles and comments without leaving the page.