This extension displays the latest articles from Y Combinators Hacker News ( It also allows you to submit your current tab to Hacker News and perform a search of past Hacker News stories. Have any bugs or suggestions? Log them here:
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Hacker News Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Hacker News Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Night-mode for the internet. Apply a highly-visible dark theme to all webpages. Helps with eye strain and dyslexia.
✨ Add useful features and tweak a few stuff to make the HN experience better without changing the look and feel
This extension refreshes the visual style of Hacker News and adds a few features, like infinite scrolling. Everything is toggleable.
Hacker News Enhanced.
Displays an icon linking to comments on Hacker News for the current page.
Open Hacker News Links in new tab
Save time on HN by marking read the titles and comments you already scanned
Stylish Hacker News.
Stylish Hacker News.