HTTP Header中携带者太多的用户信息,如何隐藏这些信息,这就是这个插件要做的,目前包括: 1. Referer访问来源信息(可以用于推广个人网站) 2. UA信息、随机UA信息 3. 访问IP地址随机 其他更多内容可以反馈和建议。 版本记录 v1.0.2 - 修改referer注入方式,防止一些静态资源文件被屏蔽 - 修改locale本地化文件的bug v1.0.1 - 增加随机UA和随机IP的问题
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Header自定义工具 Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Header自定义工具 Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Modify HTTP request headers, response headers, and redirect URLs
Web media sniffing tool
This extension allows you quickly to set the X-Forwarded-For HTTP Header
Query the current location of the IP address of the site, ASN, port open information and other information.
Control the HTTP Referer on a per-site basis.
Modify or change http request headers smartly and automatically.
Manage browser's requests, include modify the request headers and response headers, redirect requests, cancel requests
set your Cookie, Referer, and User-Agent policy for any sites
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