Automatically tracks your spot as you read through Homestuck (or any other story on that site: Problem Sleuth, The Homestuck Epilogues, etc.) and brings you back to the last page youve read at the click of a button. No more needing to edit bookmarks manually, or struggling to remember your last page when you forgot to edit the bookmark. It will also pop-up a notification whenever there is a new update on If there are ever any additions to the epilogues, or if a brand new story gets posted, youll know right away with this extension! On the Options page, you can: - turn notifications on or off - upload a custom notification icon - upload a custom sound clip to play when there are updates - turn the page count on or off (if enabled, the button in the toolbar will show how many pages you have left to read) You can find all the source code for this extension here: The simplified Sburb house icon was created by Chris Howlett: Homestuck itself and all related trademarks belong to Andrew Hussie & VIZ Media. The green house-like icon for this extension was inspired by the Homestuck Sburb icon, which belongs to Andrew Hussie & VIZ Media. This extension was previously called 'MSPA Notifier' back when Homestuck could be found on
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Homestuck Notifier Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Homestuck Notifier Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Adds 'key'board navigation to the Homestuck webcomic
View Homestuck from the point of view of any character
Remove distracting content from Homestuck, see estimated time left while reading, and use the arrow 'key's to navigate.
Adds commentary and improves, and redirects its links to The Unofficial Homestuck Collection, if installed.
This extension tries to translate Homestuck trolls' quirks to proper English
Would you like to control what shows up on your dashboard? Tumblr Savior is here to save you!
Read the pesterlogs and look at the images on mspa at the same time.
Highlights transphobic/anti-LGBT and trans-friendly subreddits/users/facebook pages/groups with different colors.
This extension provides a morse code translation pop-out