Extension for rewriting of host names when accessing a webpage. Will rewrite the host name regardless of method of access, both clicking a link and writing URL will work. Usage example: Attempts to reach example.com/something will be redirected to mydomain.com/something. A sub domain, sub.example.com, will not be rewritten if a rule for example.com is present. A specific rule for sub.example.com needs to be added. The extension needs to be configured from the extension button or options page before starting to work. Version History * 1.3.0 - Fix rewrite after redirect * 1.2.1 - Sync changes between options and action. * 1.2.0 - Improvements of interface and usability * 1.1.0 - Improve performance and interface * 1.0.1 - Fix installation * 1.0.0 - Initial release
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Host name rewriter Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Host name rewriter Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Yet another Host tools.
Simplify web development by easily switching domains between specified URL groups.
The easiest way to Redirect URLs, Modify HTTP Headers, Mock APIs, Inject custom JS, Modify GraphQL Requests
Resolve DNS addresses based on previously working IPs
Strings of the URL will be replaced based on the rules you define.
Access virtual hosts of a server without the need of host redirection or DNS.
Easily switch between hosts for the same path/endpoint.
Rewrite link url (href attribute of A tag) with flexible rules.
Switch domains without switching paths.
Switch your host/IP mappings in real time without editing your hosts file