HoverZoom for Articles. Nobody reads articles anymore but HoverRead is here to help. Simply hover over a link to an article and HoverRead will display a quick summary, just like what hover zoom does for images. HoverRead is still under development. The extension contains a white-list of websites it should attempt to load articles from. If you want any added, please let me know. Recent Changes * Upped Z-index * Improved hovering * Changed CSS * Added more websites * Reduced Permissions * Changed from black-list to white-list filtering ✓ Privacy guaranteed HoverRead is powered by the Clipped.me API
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Hover Read Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Hover Read Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Preview links in a sidebar instead of a new tab.
Play YouTube videos from any web page without having to leave the page.
Preview a web page from another web page without actually navigated.
Scroll Preview integrates a whole-page preview with scrollbar that inspired by Sublime Text's mini map.
Enrich DOM links with icon, title and preview.
Preview links from across the web!
Provides previews to external links, images, and videos in articles when a link is hover over.
Hover, preview