Display HTTP headers for all requests and responses for the current page. HTTP Headers is a lightweight extension that contains no third-party libraries and no user tracking. It is designed to allow you to quickly review status codes and headers for the requests that Chrome makes and the responses it receives. Headers are always listed alphabetically, and very long values are truncated to a single line until you hover over them with your mouse, to keep the list easy to read. Descriptions of common headers are included to help you understand what each one does. Clicking on a value will copy that header to the clipboard in the standard HTTP header format. The extensions icon will display a badge indicating either the status code of the response, or the total number of requests the browser made, including redirects. The color of the badge always indicates the status of final response. This extension is open source and the source code is available at https://github.com/farski/http-headers-crx
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the HTTP Headers Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the HTTP Headers Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Loads all http headers, cookies and Akamai response headers (http/https)
Displays the current tab’s HTTP request and response or a Live HTTP Headers tab showing a stream of requests and responses.
Modify or change http request headers smartly and automatically.
Modifies HTTP headers on the fly.
Inspect HTTP request headers, cookies, data, response Headers, cookies and add/modify request headers before sending requests
Monitor HTTP GET/POST requests. XML/JSON Viewer/Formatter for request and response body. REST Client: send GET/POST/PATCH requests.
HTTP Header Spy enables you to inspect request- response headers and cookies right after page load with no extra clicks.
Monitor, search your network requests, and download them easily
One tool that can add new http header or change the http header for a http(s) request, You will enjoy it
This extensions purpose is to provide fast information about HTTP status codes